What’s Your Security Risk Level?

New to cybersecurity or trying to improve your security posture? Take our brief quiz to understand how your organization might score when it comes to risk—and what to do about it.

1. Are important systems and data backups being performed and validated daily?

2. Are your backups stored securely off-site (or in the cloud) for at least 30 days of rollback?

3. Are web browser security settings managed at your organization?

4. Do you have web content filtering in place?

5. Are users trained regularly to recognize cyber threats like phishing?

6. Do you know your phish-prone ratio (the % of users at your organization prone to click on a phishing link)?

7. Are you monitoring internal network traffic?

8. Are your networks segmented to protect mission critical systems?

9. Have you identified key risk metrics to compare against acceptable baselines?

10. Do you have an established inventory of assets and is it managed?

11. Are your systems able to detect rogue assets?

12. Have you developed an incident response plan?

13. Do you perform an Incident Response Tabletop Exercise at least 2x per year?

14. Do you have a cybersecurity insurance policy in place?

15. Do you feel prepared for a potential cybersecurity breach?

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